

Isle of Wight OOTD

Yes - I know this is late.
2 weeks late

But I gathered as lots of you will be going to all the festivals coming up you might of wanted to see what I wore a few weeks ago to the Isle of Wight Festival. Which may I just add was INCREDIBLE

We only went on the saturday to see the one and only RED HOT CHILLI'S

Here is what I wore.. 

Floral headband from New Look - £6.99

Crop Top from Topshop - Last years *couldn't find the same one but found one simular)

Black Lace Kimono from depop - Originally from Select - £12.99 
(I cut the fringe bits shorter as I didn't like them too long)

Dusty Pink Satchel from River Island - Last years
Denim shorts from River Island - Over 3 years old

Pink Hunters and black over the knee socks

We had our faces painted with air brushes. They were amazing and I wish I could do it!

For anybody that hasn't been to any sort of festival, I would highly recommend it. I had never been to a big festival like this - only guilfest. I loved every minute of it (and even the dreaded toilets weren't even as bad as some people make out)

Have a lovely weekend,
Nat xxx

Hi there stranger.

Apologies again.

I seem to have been away forever! But this time I promise I'l be uploading lots more blogs, and regularly.

Lots of things have been going on recently. I'm currently in the middle of moving into a new house/flat. My little pup that I got back in December is now nearly 7 months old and takes up a lot of my time!

I also have been modelling for my clients new handbag company Cloudberry bags. I would really appreciate if you guys could just go and check it out. They have some beautiful bags and start from as little as £20.

I've decided I will upload once a week. Haven't yet decided what it will involve but I guess it will be a surprise. You may be following me on a photoshoot for the handbag company!!

Hope you are all well.
Have a lovely weekend.

Much love,

Nat xxx